Reflection: Thoughs on Critical Thinking

 According to Pearson's TalentLens website, communication plays a vital role in the workplace and critical thinking is the driver of effective communication. 

Eliminating ambiguity, disagreements, and miscommunication in the workplace is dependent on effective communication. The success of the projects will be determined by the business strategy. Additionally, it clarifies the project's objective, spending plan, and strategy for the parties involved.

Personally, I feel that it's crucial for me to have good command and control over my own team as a leader. It will be very challenging to get my ideas across to the other team members if there is ineffective team communication. On the other hand, effective communication and critical thinking will enable me to easily convey and deliver my point.

Critical thinking and communication will help me put my thoughts, ideas, and message in a way that can be understood easily. As a result, work can be completed more quickly and effectively because there are fewer breakdowns or information losses when collaborating. It also helps me when they are motivated and understands their job responsibilities instead of getting frustrated by glitches and communication issues.


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